A phoenix is the bird that dies in a burst of flame and is reborn in the ashes.
'Phoenix', meaning a legendary Arabian bird that sets fire to itself and rises from the ashes every 500 years, comes from the Greek language.
In Greek mythology, Zeus transformed into a swan by using his shape-shifting powers to take on the form of the bird. This transformation allowed him to approach and seduce the mortal woman Leda.
a dove
According to Sophocles and some earlier Greek sources she was turned to swallow which has no song. While later sources [Roman] report that she was turned to nightingale
Harpies are depicted as a mix of bird and woman with the head and body being the human portion and the remainder being bird. They are usually creatures of torment whereby they are used to punish others or carry them away.
it is a bird called a Phoenix
No, they are mythological creatures, a bird that rises from the ashes.
'Phoenix', meaning a legendary Arabian bird that sets fire to itself and rises from the ashes every 500 years, comes from the Greek language.
The phoenix is a mythical, sacred firebird that can be found in Greek and Roman mythologies, though its roots are of Greek origin. The only other true association to other mythology is that its inspiration may have come from a similar Egyptian mythology creature called the Bennu. There are other firebirds from other mythologies, such as Persian, but that creature is known as the Simurgh, and it is a benevolent, mythical bird.
Phoenix is named after a mythical bird from ancient Egyptian and Greek mythology. This bird symbolizes rebirth, resurrection, and immortality as it is said to rise from its own ashes. The city of Phoenix was later named after this bird to symbolize its own growth and transformation.
A favored bird of Hera.
She became a swallow.
The mascot of the University of Phoenix is a phoenix a bird that lives for a long time then when that one becomes ashes a new phoenix rises from the ashes.
Well okay, Raven in Greek means evil an evil bird
I`m not sure of the word reborn for Greek, but it`s symbol is the Phoenix, (fire-bird), in Greek Mythology it would live for hundreds of years, catch itself on fire and out of it`s ashes a new Phoenix would be reborn. Symbol for never dieing or (Immortality).
The owl is not a god in Greek mythology. It's the favorite bird of Athena.
The sirens in Greek mythology were half woman half bird monsters that sang sweet songs to sailors that made them forget everything and crash their ships. No, they were not worshipped.