A multitude, but the personification of vanity was Narcissus, who was so in love with his own reflection (seen in a clam pool of water) that he refused to leave it and starved to death. The gods, in pity, turned him into a Lily that bears his name to this day.
The Narcissus Lily is better known in the States as the Daffodil.
In Greek mythology, Achilles is typically described as having blonde hair.
Many characters in Greek mythology could be described as strong because a lot of them were warriors, but the most famous strong mythological hero is Heracles/Hercules.
In Greek mythology, the gods are typically portrayed as being taller than humans, often described as being larger and more powerful in stature.
In Greek mythology, Artemis is not explicitly described as gay. She is known for her dedication to hunting and chastity, and there are no specific myths that depict her in romantic relationships with either men or women.
In Greek mythology, Achilles is typically described as having blonde hair.
Many characters in Greek mythology could be described as strong because a lot of them were warriors, but the most famous strong mythological hero is Heracles/Hercules.
In Greek mythology, the gods are typically portrayed as being taller than humans, often described as being larger and more powerful in stature.
Circe's for one, she was an immortal sorceress
Hermione was best known for being the daughter of Helen of Troy and Menelaus in Greek mythology.
In Greek mythology, Artemis is not explicitly described as gay. She is known for her dedication to hunting and chastity, and there are no specific myths that depict her in romantic relationships with either men or women.
Norse mythology does not equate to Greek mythology in the same way that Roman mythology does. While Roman mythology borrowed extensively from its Greek counterpart, Norse mythology developed separately. The god in Greek mythology who possibly bears the strongest resemblance to Cupid is Baldur, the god of joy and light, sometimes described as a god of love. Love, however, was the goddess Freyja's domain.
The Greek word for gorgeous is "yperochos" with an acute accent on the "E." Many dishes in Greece are described this way.
There does not appear to be any evidence that the monsters in Greek Mythology have their own language. The myths were written in Greek, so their words would have been presented as being in Greek.
All of the Gods and Goddesses are supposed to be "enchanting" or attractive. Except Hephestus