The northernmost city on the map is named Cairo.
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The name "Egypt" is believed to have come from the original name of Egypt's ancient capital Memphis, "Hout ka-Ptah," meaning "Castle of the ka of Ptah." This name was often used even for the country as a whole. The name came to be shortened and slightly transformed. Considering the original consonants h-t-k-p-t (pronounced), the three latter survived into respectively "k-p-t", "q-p-t" or "g-p-t." This was rendered into the Greek, 'Aegyptus', and later English: Egypt.
It was named Cuzo
Tried and succeeded! Alexander the Great's general Ptolemy established the last line of Pharaoh's all of whom were, obviously, Greek. Many of them did not even speak Egyptian. The last and most famous of these Ptolemaic rulers - a little lady named Cleopatra VII.
the only one I can think of is Memphis
The Fatimid Capital was etablished by them in Egypt and named by them as AlQahera. It is still the current capital for Egypt (called Cairo in English).Cairo. They also lived in Egypt for the new capital
No. Alexandria was a city named after Alexander the Great. It became the capital of ancient Egypt after the Ptolemies took over. It was never an empire, just the capital city of one.
Ancient Mizraim is Ancient Egyptian. This is the group that named the land of Egypt.
Ancient Egypt did have jaguars and leopards. In fact, there was an ancient Egyptian goddess named Osiris that represented the leopard.
The falcon god and protector of the ruler of the ancient Egypt was named Horus.
wikipedia says: Memphis was founded in 1819 by John Overton, James Winchester and Andrew Jackson. The city was named after the ancient capital of Egypt on the Nile River. I assume one of them or all three decided upon this name.
Alexandria, modestly named after himself.
Egypt is currently governed by an elected President named Morsi. There is no king in Egypt. Ancient Egypt used to have a monarch called a pharaoh.
He got named after a tennesse character
Horcus, I think