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She is the godess of all gods, goddess of women and marriage, and the goddess of the starry night.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

The city Argos was sacred to her.

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Q: What city was Hera the patron goddess of?
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What are the gods and goddess of Argos?

Hera was the patron goddess of Argos

What was Hera the patron of?

She is the godess of all gods, goddess of women and marriage, and the goddess of the starry night.

What was Hera's sphere of influence?

She ruled the sky and was the patron-goddess of marriage.

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The city-state for which Artemis was patron for was Sparta.

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Athens was the city Athena is patron for. It was named after her.

When was hera goddess of marriage?

After the Titanomachy, when Zeus and his brother and sisters were victorious over the Titans, he took Hera as his wife and she became the patron of marriage.

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There is no "god of babies". Hera was the patron goddess of Mothers. That's as close as it gets.

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What group did the Greek goddess Heras oversee?

Hera was the goddess of childbirth, and the patron goddess of the pomegranite (for all you 'super fruit' fans out there). Pomegranites have lots of seeds, symbolising fertility.

What was the goddess Artemis patron of?

Artemis is the patron goddess of the Hunt. She gives her aid to women in childbirth. She protects maidens and animals. She is the patron of the city Sparta.

Who was the patron god or goddess of Sparta?

Actually, the Spartans worshipped Artemis and Aresthe most. Athena was not their patron goddess. She was the patron of Athens, Sparta's rival.

What was the Greek goddess Hera the goddess of?

Hera is the Goddess of Marriage.