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Q: What civilization is considered the first advanced civilization on the Greek mainland?
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Where was the mycenaean civilization located?

Greek Mainland

Which warlike civilization was located on the Greek mainland?

The mycenaeans

What was the earliest Greek civilization to live on the mainland of Greece?


What was the first mainland in Greek civilization?

The Hellenic civilization began in continental Europe. The Minoans were not Hellenes.

What The civilization that developed in the Aegean area?

The civilization that developed in the Aegean area is commonly referred to as the Aegean civilization or Aegean Bronze Age civilization. It encompassed societies such as the Minoans on Crete and the Mycenaeans on the Greek mainland. These civilizations were known for their advanced architecture, art, and maritime trade.

Who are considered to be the first greek civilization?

The Minoan Civiliaztion.

Which culture is older greek or Chinese?

Chinese culture is generally considered to be older than Greek culture. Chinese civilization dates back over 4,000 years, while Greek civilization emerged around 2,500 years ago.

What is an example sentence with the word Greek?

I rather enjoy Greek yoghurt,The temple looked Greek.She has some Greek in her blood.

What were the persions goal for ataking the greek mainland?

Τhe Persians' goal for their invasion in the greek mainland was the conquest of the greek territory.

Which empire brought an end to greek independence?

You need to be more specific if you want to make it possible to answer you question. What empire did Greek independence what?

How did the Minoan civilization influence the Greek civilization?

As they were 2 of the 3 first major greek civilizations (the first was the Cycladic) their influence was great.The Minoan civ specially in maritime technology and in architecture and the Mycenaean civ in language and in the organization of the state.

What city was the center of a powerful culture in 1500 BC?

Greece is considered the birthplace of Western civilization. The first mainland Greek civilization is the city of Μycenae. During this time, 1500 BC, a rich and powerful society developed. History often refers to it as the golden age of gods and heroes.