The Beringia land bridge is located between the tip of Asia and the tip of North America,or in other words in the Bering Sea. Human beings and animals from Asia traveled to the Americas over this land bridge.
This phrase tit for tat is believed to be a corruption of tip for tap, which meant "a blow for a blow."
Richard brito was the knight who killed thomas becket(archbishop of Canterbury) in 1170 he sliced the top of beckets head then with the tip of his sword took out beckets brains.
The 'olden days' dip-pen was made from bird's flight feathers - geese, ducks, usually. The tip that once went into the bird's skin, was cut in such a way as to form a nib.
It is a 'Quill'. It is a feather from a goose, which was shed during the natural annual moult. The tip of the quill, the part attached to the bird, not the feathered end, is cut at an angle, and then given a single split. From this the split tip is dipped in Indian or Mandarin ink , in order to write. Since it is slow drying ink, a powder ( talc, or very fine sand ) is shaken over the writing in order to dry it out. Then blown off, or allowed to spill off. The writing paper would be parchment, not modern paper, but a much thicker heavier form of paper. Writing with a quill is slow, but 'trains' the hand to write much more clearly, than a modern biro.
Sorry im stuck on this to :(
this is a good answer for metal tip.first metal tip is a bottom of a light bulb.thank you
it is placed at the tip of the first vector
No, a light bulb will not light if its metal tip rests on a metal casing. The metal tip of the light bulb needs to be connected to the electrical circuit in order for it to light up. Resting on metal casing would not provide this connection.
You can't get a metal tip by it's self. But you can get burn fireblaze at toys r us. Hope i helped
Yes metal spike for durability and stamina
The metal plate that protects the tip of a scabbard or a belt is called the chape (it's French, so the pronunciation is something like "shahp").
Yes, there is a TIP Program badge and a series of badges for each mission completed. There is also a TIP graduate badge. These are all placed on your profile page.
yes it has