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The most important legacy Greece ever gave us was probably democracy. However, Greece should not get that much credit because at the time democracy was formed, Greece was made up of independent city-states. The city-state (Athens today is a regular city) of Athens should get the credit of creating democracy.

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โˆ™ 16y ago
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โˆ™ 12y ago

It is the Parthenon because it is where the gods were

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โˆ™ 13y ago

Their writings, innovations, and religion has inspired generations.

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โˆ™ 8y ago

Art, arts, entertainment, language, buildings.

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Q: What contributions did the Greeks leave behind for modern society?
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What did the Greeks contribute to modern day society?

The Olympics, mathematical strategies, philosophy, architecture, and much more!

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What were the Greek contributions to the society?

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The Ancestors of modern Greeks are the Ancient Greeks. Some Greeks however, have got mixed ancestory as with every country, but on the whole, according to DNA testing as recent as 2012, about 90% of modern Greeks have the same DNA as that of the Ancient Greeks and are therefore descendants of the Ancient Greeks.

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