Ajax the Great was the King of Salamis and one of the primary participating commanders of the Trojan War. Of the Achaeans, he was considered lesser than only Achilles and Diomedes (who had bested him in a sparring duel). Ajax was a commanding figure on the battlefield and he received no notable injuries in the events described in the Iliad. He was also the only participating major figure on either side that did not received divine aid of some sort. Many later Athenian heroes traced their lineage back to Ajax the Great.
Ajax died by his own hand after losing a contest for Achilles' armor. He competed against Odysseus, and in the end, was "defeated only by his own sorrow". That event is described in Homer's Metamorphoses.
Ajax is a Greek hero found in both of Homer's stories, the Iliad and the Odyssey. In the Iliad, which is where Ajax met his fame, he is a highly regarded warrior. He was the King of Salamis and he led his solders to fight for Agamemnon in the war against Troy. He was an outstanding warrior, second only to the mighty Achilles in skill. Furthermore his is one of the only heroes in the Iliad who was unaided by any God or Goddess. Ajax survived the Trojan War. Shortly after the war there was a dispute between him and Odysseus about who should receive the shield and armor of Achilles. Odysseus received the honor, and in despair Ajax killed himself. In the Odyssey Ajax appears when Odysseus goes into Hades, where he finds Ajax mourning his own suicide.
Ajax won't approach Odysseus because he killed himself and died. There is no way for him to speak because he is already dead.
Ajax the Great was himself a hero of the Iliad, and thus a hero of Greek mythology. He was also the cousin of the hero Achilles
Odysseus, Phoenix, and the Great Ajax
Ajax was a mythological Greek hero, the son of Telamon and Periboea and king of Salamis[1]. He plays an important role in Homer's Iliad and in the Epic Cycle, a series of epic poems about the Trojan War. To distinguish him from Ajax, son of Oileus (Ajax the Lesser), he is called "Telamonian Ajax," "Greater Ajax," or "Ajax the Great". In Etruscan mythology, he is known as Aivas Tlamunus.
Lake Ontario
There were two Ajax. Ajax Oileades and Ajax the greater.
Ronald Koeman
Ajax - Asynchronous JavaScript and XML By using the programming practice termed "Ajax" you will be able to trade data without having to load a new page. AJAX is a new technique for creating better, faster, and more interactive web applications. With it, Internet applications can be made richer and more user-friendly.
you mean JavaApplet or Ajax? I do not think you can compare java as a whole and AJAX. Ajax is a simple implementation of JAvascript .
Unfortunately I am not specialst in AjaX, but I can advice you these online tutorials:php tutorials. There are many articles about php, AjaX and interaction between AjaX and PHP in whole.
Ajax is the new name for Aspen.
Ajax Heroes was created in 1934.