Cerberus' heads are said to have an appetite only for live meat and thus allow the spirits of the dead to freely enter the underworld, but allow none to leave.
No, Cerberus was immortal.
Cerberus was born of Echidna and Typhon.
Cerberus is a three headed dog belonging to Hades. No, Cerberus has never been married.
Hercules did not kill Cerberus.
The Roman and Greek names were the same: Cerberus.
Cerberus eat live meat and when they do, the dead souls that live in the Underworld can escape but they cannot leave.
Cerberus eats spirtis of the underworld... the lost souls who enter
Cerberus has one brother, the Hydra
No, Cerberus was a gift to him.
Zeus is Cerberus' father.
No, Cerberus was immortal.
The Underworld is guarded by Cerberus.
what are cerberus symbols
Cerberus is a three headed dog belonging to Hades. No, Cerberus has never been married.
Cerberus wasn't a god at all.
Cerberus was born of Echidna and Typhon.
Cerberus is a three headed dog belonging to Hades. No, Cerberus has never been married.