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The embalmers often wore a jackal-head mask.

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Q: What did Egyptians embalmers wear?
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What did embalmers wear?

Some cloths :p

Who embalmed the bodies in ancient Egypt?

They Ancient Egyptians employed embalmers, which were specially trained in the art of mummification.

What kind of salt did the embalmers use to dry out mummies?

Egyptians used Natron Salt to mummify stuff

Did ancient Egyptians wear underwear?

No the ancient Egyptians i believe did not wear anything under there clothes. such as under wear or bras. Very good question .

Do the Egyptians wear scarfs?

Like any other people, Egyptians wear scarfs when it is cold. Thus, if it is cold.. they wear a scarf. If they are Muslim, it is still acceptable and widely practiced. If you are inquiring about ancient Egyptians, then no. No, they did not wear scarfs.

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How much do embalmers get paid?

Embalmers generally make about $35-45,000 per year.

Why did Egyptians wear makeup?

Egyptians wear make up not like we do today instead they wore paint.

Do egyptians wear fake eyelashes today?

No, Egyptians have naturally long eyelashes.

What do the egyptians wear on their feet?

shoes =)