Tantalus was not a god. He was a mortal king. The Gods liked him so they invited him to Olympus. He tried to take Nectar and Ambrosia (God Food) from the Gods and they banished him. Everyone made fun of him, even his own children. He killed his kids and put them in the foods. Tantalus invited the Gods to his palace and have dinner with him. When the Gods realized the kids were in the food, they punished him in the Underworld by making him stand in a river but could never drink and a fruit tree above him but could never eat.
Hurr. The gods.
Favored by the gods, Tantalus was allowed to dine with them. Taking advantage of this postition, he either made a meal for the gods of his son Pelops or he told other mortals the secrets of the gods which he had learned at their table. When Tantalus served Pelops to the gods, all except Demeter recognized the food for what it was and refused to eat, but Demeter, grieving for her lost daughter, was distracted and ate the shoulder.
Tantalize comes from Tantalus who was a king that was loved by the gods and invited to parties with them, but then he offended them because he feed his own son to the gods as dinner for a party. When Zeus found out about this he punished him by sending Tantalus to the underworld were he always will have food just out of his reach and drink that moves away when he tries to drink. Others say that Tantalus was telling secrets about the gods to mortals instead of feeding the gods his own son.
Tantalus committed the crime of sacrilege by serving his son, Pelops, as a meal to the gods during a banquet. The gods were horrified by this act and punished Tantalus with eternal torment in the afterlife.
Tantalus was a king, so popular with the Olympian Gods that he was able to dine with them in their Court. But, one day, he was caught trying to steal some ambrosia to take it home and figure out the recipe. As a punishment he was banned from Olympus. But, later, he invited the Gods to dine in his palace, to show his forgiveness. His fatal flaw was that he hated his children. He stewed them, and served the stew to the Gods and the banquet. When the found out, he was banished to Tartarus , into the Fields of Punishment, and was cursed. The curse was that he was never to eat or drink again.
Tantalus was not a god. He was a mortal king. The Gods liked him so they invited him to Olympus. He tried to take Nectar and Ambrosia (God Food) from the Gods and they banished him. Everyone made fun of him, even his own children. He killed his kids and put them in the foods. Tantalus invited the Gods to his palace and have dinner with him. When the Gods realized the kids were in the food, they punished him in the Underworld by making him stand in a river but could never drink and a fruit tree above him but could never eat.
The one Zeus imposed on Tantalus for trying to trick the gods into eating human flesh. Tantalus not only murdered his infant son, Pelops, but boiled up the baby for the main course in a banquet for the gods. To pay for this transgression, Zeus condemned Tantalus to stand forever in a pond that came up to his chin, but which would recede any time Tantalus tried to take a drink. This sounds like a damp sentence to serve, if you ask me. Just out of reach above him is a fruit-laden branch that rises away from his hand any time he tries to pick a fruit. Hence Tantalus is remembered as the root of the verb "to tantalize," which means to tempt with something just out of reach.
To test the Gods' omnipotences.
Hurr. The gods.
He slayed his son Pelops and fed him to the gods as a test of their omniscience.
Favored by the gods, Tantalus was allowed to dine with them. Taking advantage of this postition, he either made a meal for the gods of his son Pelops or he told other mortals the secrets of the gods which he had learned at their table. When Tantalus served Pelops to the gods, all except Demeter recognized the food for what it was and refused to eat, but Demeter, grieving for her lost daughter, was distracted and ate the shoulder.
tantalus in the Percy Jackson series
human flesh
Tantalize comes from Tantalus who was a king that was loved by the gods and invited to parties with them, but then he offended them because he feed his own son to the gods as dinner for a party. When Zeus found out about this he punished him by sending Tantalus to the underworld were he always will have food just out of his reach and drink that moves away when he tries to drink. Others say that Tantalus was telling secrets about the gods to mortals instead of feeding the gods his own son.
Tantalus did it to his son.