poor Victorian children would wear rags and if they were lucky a dress made of cotton to keep them warm
they wear old dirty rags that people hated
they wore linen and wool, same as the boys
Poor Aztecs wore old fibre clothing. As the could noot afford to buy clean and proper fibre clothings
It is a boys name of Latin origin meaning 'seventh'. Possibly made popular after the Roman Emperor Septimus Severus, a patron of arts and letters. Was also popular in Victorian times
what were beaches like in the Victorian times? what did they do
some times nothing
nothing. the babies were too poor.
girls and boys wear identical clothes
clothes hhshshfhshhfds
ragged clothes
In the Victorian workhouse times the poor people had to wear a uniform so the outside knew they were poor and knew they were from the workhouse.
top and trousers
dirty clothes that are ripped and torn
Old hand-me-downs.
a frock, a pinafore and high heels
Doctor Bernardo Helped poor Victorian boys that were living on the streets
Well they wore brown and they wore pig hats because they were piggys