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The ancient Egyptians believed as the spirit was divided into two distinct parts the Ba and the Ka. The Ba was the part of the spirit that was needed for immortal life if it could pass a test of worth. The Ba was led by Anubis to be judge before Osiris. The heart was placed on the Ma`at scale and weighed against a feather. If the soul was light and just it was granted eternal life. If the soul was heavy and evil it would be cast to Ammit the soul eater. The soul needed the Ba and the Ka to united into the Akhu to enter the afterlife.

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14y ago

They never believed a Pharaoh turned into a god they believed if a person was good during his life time and his/her body was in good condition in the tomb then they would go to a happy glorious after life ruled by the Egyptian sun god Re

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Ancient Egyptians believed in something they called the after life. They believed that the after life was a place there souls would go after they died.

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Ancient Egyptians believed that the body is dead but the soul would live on and travel to the next life/world

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After the Ancient Egyptians died, they believed they went to the afterlife and lived on for eternity.

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Q: What did ancient Egyptians believed happened to them after they died?
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Why did the Egyptians call their Pharaoh a living god?

Ancient Egyptians believed that their ruler was a god on Earth and when he died, he would become Osirus.

What Age Ancient Egyptians died?

most egyptians lived to around the age of 30

Did ancient Greeks believe in the after life?

The ancient Romans believed in the underworld, which was ruled by the god Pluto.

How did Ancient Egyptians view their Pharaohs?

Ancient Egyptians viewed their pharaohs as living gods. They were the personification of AMUN-RA the king of gods, and when they died they became true gods. Therefore these pharaohs weren't only regarded as the kings of Egypt but as divinity. Egyptians believed that their pharaoh bore full responsibility for the kingdom's well-being, the sun to rise, the rivers to overflow, and the crops to grow. It was the pharaoh's duty to promote truth and justice. He was worshiped and appreciated.

What are the ancient Egyptian beliefs?

They were polytheistic. They had a huge number of gods, goddesses, and deities.They believed in life after death.In order to get into their heaven, they had to pass through a number of tests, as in the book of the dead.They also believed in sacrificing to many gods, such as Nefertum , honoured as the harbinger of the sun. It was also believed everything that happened was a result of the gods' disposition towards them.Pagan. Although it was different from the kind that was hated by the Christians, Muslims etc. The religion was changed when Akhenaten came to throne and everyone had to start worshipping him, his wife and a pacific god, the Aten. But when Akhenaten died, it was changed back to normal again.

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What did ancient Egyptians believe happened to them after they die?

They believed they would go to the afterlife after they died

What did the ancient egyptians believed when they died?

from what I found out they believed in plant life after death.

What did the Egyptians believe happened to them after they died?

The Ancient Egyptians believed in the They called it the afterlife. They believed that it was like another life, the Pharaohs would have their servants, organs, food, valuables, pets, and , they thought that certain gods would assist them to their place in the afterlife.

Why did the Egyptians call their Pharaoh a living god?

Ancient Egyptians believed that their ruler was a god on Earth and when he died, he would become Osirus.

What did ancient egyptians believe about astronomy?

They believed that when Paraohs died they would become one of the circumpolar stars

What was the egyptians belief about afterlife?

The ancient Egyptians believed that when they died their spiritual body would continue to exist in an afterlife very similar to their living world.

What did the Egyptians believe happened to people once they died?

They believed they went to the Afterlife, a place, which they believed, was where they went to live after they died. That is why they had the pyramids, so they would be represented as a Pharaoh in that life.

What often happened with the Ancient Egyptians when heavy rains caused the Nile River to overflow?

Most of them died.

Why did Egyptians believe in the afterlife?

because when people died the Egyptian belived that they wouldgo to adiffrent world

Why did ancient Egyptians bring food to the afterlife?

the ancient Egyptians brought food to the afterlife because they believed that there was a second life after you died and they wouldn't want you to go to the afterlife hungry and nothing to eat.i heart ray ray from secret admirer

Why would ancient Egyptian children be buried with toys?

Because they believed that after they died, they would still be walking around and the Egyptians give them something to play with.

What Age Ancient Egyptians died?

most egyptians lived to around the age of 30