The Ancient Egyptians used axes, maces, composite bows, curved swords, daggers, and war chariots in their warfare.
Kush traded ivory, animal hides and jewelry with your moms vigina
they invented the weelthats what i have heard.....
Nubian Desert, Arabian Desert, Libyan Desert, and the Negev Desert are the four deserts that surround ancient Egypt, Kush, and Canaan.
I learned about the Kush civilization in social studies.
KERMA The first kingdom of Kush was based at Kerma. Then it was destroyed by the ancient Egyptians. After that, a second kingdom of Kush eventually emerged with it's capital first at NAPATA and then later on at MEROE
kush used gold dust.
Recent discoveries of ancient writings found that the Kush did use hieroglyphics. Their style of hieroglyphics was very similar to that of the ancient Egyptians.
he will be destroyed
Piankhi was the Kush King known for dominating ancient Kush.
Ancient Kush's government was ...blah blah blah
he will be destroyed
Kush gains power from getting new weapons
Kush would have able to conquer more lands
the technology they had was weapons like spear head and theybuilt pyramid so they had to have building material.
weapons weapons and coins
Even at Israel's largest stage, Kush was bigger.