The priest Bartolome de Las Casas traveled through New Spain working for reform. Largely due to Las Casa's efforts, the government of Spain ordered reform of the encomienda system in the mid-1500s.
The Vikings were the first Europeans to land in the New World, centuries before Columbus. However, the recognized discovery of the New World is in 1492 by Christopher Columbus, an Italian who sailed in name of Spain.
defeated empires in the new world of spain
The Romans conquered Spain, Asia Minor, Macedonia, and Greece.
You may be referring to Juan de Oñate. He was a conquistador: in the late 1500s and early 1600s, he explored in the New World, and he established the colony of New Mexico for Spain. Most accounts say he was very dictatorial and harsh as the leader of that colony, but he is known for having established it.
Bartolome de Las Casas is a Spanish priest that traveled through New Spain working for reform.
The priest Bartolome de Las Casas traveled through New Spain working for reform. Largely due to Las Casa's efforts, the government of Spain ordered reform of the encomienda system in the mid-1500s.
the priest Bartolme de Las Casas traveled through New Spain working for reform. largely due to Las Casas's efforts the government of Spain ordered reform of the ecomienda system in the mid - 1500s.
to help the indains with there faith and try to make them catholic
Fray Bartolome de Las Casas sailed with Columbus on Columbus's third voyage, 1498-1500. Las Casas had probably met Columbus before the famous 1492 voyage because Las Casas's father sailed with Columbus to the New World (Las Casas would have been about nine years old in 1492). During his own voyage with the captain, Las Casas saw both Columbus the explorer and Columbus the governor. Las Casas had high praise for Columbus the explorer because of the sailor's efforts to bring Christianity to the Native Americans. For Columbus the governor, however, Las Casas had a much different view. Las Casas was shocked by the atrocities against the Indians which were allowed by Columbus.
bartolome de las casas worked to protect the indian slaves because he was against the way the people were treating them
Bartolome de las casas
Helped pass the new laws of the Indieshe was a priest and was the founder of a Utopian community
he came to new Spain to see how it was going and the people there were dying of diseases and overwork
introducing African slaves as workers in the New world.He stop the use of Native Americans being slaves.
Bartolomé de las Casas.
Bartolome de las Casos originally came to settle in New Spain with land and slaves. He came to see slavery as wrong. He spoke to the King Charles about how wrong the treatment of native Americans was. He later became a priest and then bishop of Chiapas.