Tudor women wore gold, white and blue when they are rich because they are expensive colours. men did this also
to look cool
it is the name of the under wear girls and ladies wear.
people lived in small hut that they built themselves
The House of Tudor was a prominent European royal house that ruled the Kingdom of England and its realms from 1485 until 1603. Hope this helps.
When it was Tudor times here! But they were in Mexico in stead of England!
Tudor girls wore a plain grown with a top and skirt, and a petticoat.
that they were inferiour to men.
boys wore girls clothes because they had to. apparently, they had to wear girls clothes until the age of nine - thats when they were able to act like adults - even though that might sound a bit too young!!
they wore posh clohes like poops
Tudor girls didn't go to school but some girls were taught by their mothers at home. It was mainly the very rich ones who where home tutored.
yes poor people did wear shoes in the Tudor times
really badly
Poor children would usually wear their parents old clothes or any pieces of material they could find. That's why their clothes often looked to big for them!
girls had to be 12 and boy had to be 14
Husbands were chosen by parents.
They wore gowns; search in google for images;)