Here's some good facts, the Chinese invented ice cream and wheelbarrows, hope this is helpful!
from the text book they say the chinese.
Hector is赫克托 in Chinese.
皇帝 (Huángdì) (Simplified Chinese.)
No individual can make the claim. It is certain that Chinese potters used them as a 'signature' more than 2000 years ago. They were referred to as a 'chop'.
an oracle bone is a type of bone that when the Chinese found one it had scriptures on it and they would use it to know their future and the priests would make the bone crack with a hot metal thingy and when the bone would crack they would have to be really intelligent to be able to tell what the answer to their question was by the way it cracked.] ==
in a wok
Of course, there are lots of Chinese people make music. But Chinese music is differant from English, because it has differant sound
Yes Chinese people do make sushi Japanese people also make sushi .
The Chinese were the first to make silk
Chinese food, funny accents, and the Chinese language.
Ehow has an article on how to apply make-up Chinese style. It is called Chinese make-up styles. They show how to apply several styles, such as the Geisha and Opera.
The Chinese use a very difficult alphabet.
get a Chinese cooking slave
The way beat Chinese checkers is to make a path
No. Why should it be? what difference does it make if they are Chinese or not.
Chinese make up about _______ percent of Southeast Asia's population.