Echo was not a goddess but a nymph. Nymphs are famous for not wearing anything at all.
Echo is not a goddess. She was an Oread, or mountain nymph, of unknown parentage.SHE WAS A NYMPH
Echo just repeat every thing because she got cursed by a goddess.
A helmet because she is the Greek goddess of battle strategy.
She usually wore her hair down
What she pleased; also what writers or artists depicted her wearing.
Echo was not a goddess. She was an Oreiad, or Mountain Nymph.
Mythological creatures do not have birthdays. Echo was not a goddess, but a nymph.
Echo wasn't a goddess. She was a nymph. A nymph is a lesser goddess usually associated with nature and its wonders; thus Echo became the 'goddess' of echoes with her curse.
Echo is not a goddess. She was an Oread, or mountain nymph, of unknown parentage.SHE WAS A NYMPH
up the street
Yes, Echo is a Oreiad nymph of Mount Kithairon, or goddess from Greek mythology.
Echo was not a god (or goddess). She was actually a nymph, therefore she didn't have an area of influence.
Echo just repeat every thing because she got cursed by a goddess.
A helmet because she is the Greek goddess of battle strategy.
In Greek mythology, the goddess Echo's chattering annoyed the goddess Hera. Zeus was with some girl and asked/commanded Echo to stall his wife. Irate, Hera made it so that Echo would always get the last word, but never the first word.
The Greek goddess of sound was Echo. She was cursed by Hera after distracting her with gossip. After Echo wasted away for love of Narcissus, she was made into an immortal.
Technically, echo was a Greek nymph, not a Goddess. As such, she didn't have a symbol. If you wanted to be creative, you could draw a mountain with wind through it, since she lived on a mountain and was doomed to only echo what others said.