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The Hittite Empire was a powerful, Late Bronze Age state in Central Asia Minor, with its homeland centered around the Kizil Irmak River (classical Halys River), that flourished roughly during the period 1600-1180 BCE. For a long time, the Hittites were thought to have pioneered the use of iron for weaponry, but that notion has long been debunked (though it lives on in some textbooks). The Hittites did work "black iron" (probably meteoric iron) when black iron was a precious metal, and before carbonizing and fire quenching techniques made iron practical for weapons, and before new smelting techniques made iron relatively inexpensive compared to bronze.

The Old Testament mentions Hittites, but these are almost certainly not the ones of the Late Bronze Age empire. Most likely, they are neo-Hittites, who were remants of the old empire living in the northern Levant. On at least one occasion, the Old Testament locates "sons of Heth" south of this area. It is not certain who these Hittites might be, but it was not uncommon, at this time, to relocate entire communities as spoils of war.

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12y ago

The Hittites are Indo-europeans originally from Southern Russia and migrated to Northern Syria and Southern Turkey.

What they looked like cannot be really said. They don't look like modern day Turks because they(the turks) originated from Central Asia and don't have any relation to them. They most likely look like Syrian Christians because the Syrian Muslims are of Arab origin.

Based on their monuments though they probably had fair skin(because they are indo-european), prominent noses, wavy hair, but their eye color and hair color can't be said.

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12y ago

short of stature, olive skinned, thin, they would have a rounder head than other caucasoid people but with caucasoid features being prominent

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