A wreath of olive branches was placed on the winner's head at the ancient Olympics in Greece.
In Ancient Greek Mythology a water snake called the Hydra would do this but it was kiled by Herculies in one of his 12 quests
There are several different ideas when it comes to the number of heads on the hydra that Heracles defeated. The numbers vary from 50 (for Thetis' 50 priestesses), 9 (in honor of the moon), 100 (for the centuriae, or war bands), 10,000 (an exaggeration by Euripides), and on greek coins there's 7 heads.
First off, the Greeks didn't call it "hell". They called it "The Underworld". Cerberus has three heads.
A crown of olive leafs.
The Greek athletes were given wreaths on their heads.
sacred olive tree wreath (Kotinos)
A wreath of olive branches was placed on the winner's head at the ancient Olympics in Greece.
They were awarded nothing and went home to their city-state hanging their heads.
this is what they wore after they had won
In Ancient Greece no medals were given. This is a modern concept. They were give laurel / olive leaves wreaths to wear on their heads.
**** heads
Answer, they put hte garlands they were awarded, on heir heads
Agnes Baldwin Brett has written: 'Facing heads on ancient Greek coins' -- subject(s): Facing heads (Numismatics), Greek Coins 'Victory issues of Syracuse after 413 B.C' -- subject(s): Greek Antiquities, Greek Coins, Greek Numismatics 'The electrum and silver coins of Chios' 'Six Roman bronze medallions' -- subject(s): Numismatics, Roman Coins