vaishyas ate from both of the castes , meat , rice, wheat, alcohol etc
· Brahmins (scholars and priests) · Kshatriyas (kings and warriors) · Vaishyas (merchants) · Shudras (farmers, service providers) · Parjanya (untouchables)
they would eat what dogs eat! j.k. they would eat what the lords ate i think.
he do not eat
Chilton's Eat Algae
they eat klukusa, sarme, janje.
The vaisyas probably eat grains
Vaishyas is the third down in t5he caste system and what they do is they are merchants and they raise cattle but what do they eat
The Vaishyas would normally be merchants. They would work in shops, or be traders.
they are vegetarians
selling food and agriculture
mahatma gandhi cast was vaishyas is found among vaishyas and kshatriyas.
whatever the society says the role is if its a laidback society. That's what is the role in the society for the vaishyas.
How would i know ? That's why i'm asking you!