Egyptian farmers wore a short kilt made of a coarser linen with sandals made of reeds. Cloaks, shawls, tunics and fur garments were worn in winter.
they wear CLOTHES
Ancient Egpytian myth does not say.
The ancient Egpytian goddess Mut either self created herself or was daughter of Ra.
Anubis was the ancient Egpytian god of embalming, as well as protector, tester and guide to the dead in the Duat (underworld).
Anubis was the ancient Egpytian god of mummification, and the dead on their path through the underworld. He weighed the heart of the dead against the feather of Ma'at. In the Old Kingdom he was the ruler of the Duat/Aaru (underworld/heaven)
It is not depicted in Egpytian myth, most likely it was thought to be alike to the ancient Egpytian warriors of the time.
they wear CLOTHES
they wear CLOTHES
Sekhmet was a ancient Egpytian goddess of Upper Egypt, her cult center was at Memphis. She was the ancient Egpytian goddess of divine retribution, vengeance, and conquest.
Ancient Egpytian myth does not say.
rich farmers wears good clothes, while poor farmers wears not too good. but while doing farm work, they are willing to wear some old clothes as the work will dirty what they wear.
The ancient Egpytian goddess Mut did not have a daughter.
Ra was the god of the Sun, not a pharaoh.
Wadjet's parents are not told in Egpytian myth.