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Beyond the concept of athletic excellence being admirable, not a great deal.

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12y ago

they were both in the Olympics!

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Q: What do the modern and ancient Olympics have in common?
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How are ancient Olympics different to modern Olympics?

ones ancient ones modern

Why did the ancient Olympics become the modern Olympics?

They didn't. The modern Olympics was restarted in the late 1800's and not directly linked to the ancient Olympics at all.

Did they have the same events in ancient Olympics?

Most of the events from the Modern Olympics originally came from the Ancient Olympics but many more events have been added to the Modern Olympics...

What sports did they have in the first modern Olympics?

The same as they had in the ancient olympics

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the diffrence between modern and ancient olympics is that it was not as safe and many were killed in ancient olympics

Were the Ancient Olympics on television?

No. Television is a modern invention, invented thousands of years after the Ancient Olympics.

What are the sports in the modern Olympics that weren't in the Ancient Olympics?

high jump

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Is it true that ancient Olympics and modern Olympics each winner receives a gold medal?

No...In the ancient Olympics the winner received a olive wreath

What is the same between the modern and ancient Olympics?


What did both Modern and Ancient Olympics do?

Award medals!