The Sirens are the daughters of the Muses, the mothers being the Muses Melpomene or Terpsichore by the River god Achelous.
The sirens. They lost a contest when they challenged the muses, and therefore were cursed.
The Muses Are Heard was created in 1956.
All Muses are female.
Delight of the Muses was created in 1992.
Krewe of Muses was created in 2000.
The sirens. They lost a contest when they challenged the muses, and therefore were cursed.
She is sometimes reputed to be the mother of the sirens.
Persephone (whom they were companions of before she was Queen of the Underworld), the Muses (one of which is said to have been their mother, Melpomenê - muse of tragedy, or Terpsikhorê - of choral song and dancing: they are also said to have had a contest with the Muses) as well as Achelous - often said to be their father.
These are the ones I know of; They were supposedly handmaidens of Persephone who preyed for wings and were granted them as the looked for her but eventually gave up but kept the wings. It is also said that the Muses had a contest with the Sirens, which the Sirens lost and crowns were made of their feathers. The sirens supposedly killed the Centaurs who fled Heracles. The Argonauts also encountered them, but they were drowned out by the music of Orpheus. And of course, the Odyssey encounter. Telemachos, the son of Odysseus, was killed by them.
The muses are in the temple of Apollo.
The Muses Are Heard was created in 1956.
The Sirens call was so beautiful that any who heard it were immediately enchanted and would do whatever it took to reach the island from which they sang. Boats would be dashed on the rocks, men battered to death by the surf, and those that survived would starve on the shores, refusing to leave. According to one myth, the Sirens were granted immortality only until such time as men could pas by their call without stopping. Odysseus, curious as to how such a call could drive men mad, and at the advice of Circe, had his men plug their ears with wax while he was tied to the mast of his ship. As they passed by, he begged to be freed, but his men only tied him tighter. Once they had passed, Odysseus was freed only when he proved he could frown. After this, the Sirens cast themselves into the sea. Another story tells that Hera challenged the Sirens into a singing contest against the Muses. When they lost, the muses plucked the feathers from their wings to make crowns. The Sirens, in despair, then flung their now-flightless forms off of cliffs to perish in the surf.
All Muses are female.
Delight of the Muses was created in 1992.
Krewe of Muses was created in 2000.
The Disquieting Muses was created in 1916.