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In Greek mythology, the centaurs are a race of creatures composed of part human and part horse.

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Q: What do you call a part man part horse?
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How do you know Chiron is a centaur?

Centaurs are part man, part horse. Chiron had the legs/body of a horse, but the torso, head, and arms of a man. Therefore, he was a centaur.

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Are you talking about a horse or a man, please be more specific. if you are talking about a horse call it dulicinea if its a girl or dexter if its a boy.

Who appeared as a man with horse legs and hoovedsfeet?

I think this was call a centaur.

What do you call a cross between a horse and a human?

It is called a centaur. If the upper half is human with the lower half horse and the horse section has all four horse legs, it is indeed a centaur. If it has the upper half of a human with the lower half of a horse but only 2 legs like a satyr it is a Sileni. There are also horse-headed men but I can not find the names for them. There is also the deity Hayagriva in Hinduism and Buddhism that has a white horse's head and a human body and is pictured as seated on a lotus.

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There is not and never has been a half tiger or half horse.

What creatures of greek mythology are part man and part horse?

I'm 99% sure that its a centaur

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