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Q: What do you call an ancient Egyptian professional writer?
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What do you call the ancient writings in Egypt?

Ancient Egyptian writings are called hieroglyphics.

What was the ancient egypt's religion?

they had their own religion. i guess you could call it ancient egyptian. most people just call their polytheistic religion by their gods names, or say "the egyptian gods"

What did The ancient Egyptian call their land?

sweetie they called it kemet! ancient egyptain called there country kemet

How do you call Egyptian farmers gods?

Egyptian farmers weren't gods in Egyptian mythology; although undoubtedly in ancient Egypt farmers worshiped the Egyptian gods and goddesses.

What do you call the ancient Egyptian artistic lettering?

They used graphics which were known as hieroglyphics

Ancient Egyptian was written with little pictures. today we call this kind of writing what?


How were ancient Egyptian government and society like our government and society today how were they different?

call me

What was the Egyptian old kingdom known as?

If you're looking for what they call them today, it's Ancient Egypt.

What do you call the picture symbols used by the ancient egyptians representing numerals?

hieroglyphic. Egyptian hieroglyphic

We now call it leapfrog by what name did Egyptian kids know this game?

the ancient Egyptian game of leapfrog was called "khuzza lawizza".

What is the name of the Ancient Egyptian religion where they worshiped many gods?

Ancient Egyptians did not have a term for what we would call "polytheism" since everyone was polytheist at that time. The Egyptians had no concept of monotheism, atheism, or henotheism with which to contrast their belief. As for what they called their religion, they called it "Kemet", which was the Ancient Egyptian word for "Egyptian". To them, there was no distinction between the Egyptian people and the Egyptian religion. Those who worshiped other gods or pantheons in Egypt were simply not Egyptians, but foreigners.

What did the ancient Egyptians call their call their crocodile god?

SobekMan with the head of a crocodile.Sobek was connected with the Nile, and protected the king. Live crocodiles were kept in pools at temples built to honour Sobek.