It means that you have something more than everybody else. For example, you graduated your PhD while all of your friends just graduated for degree
triton is made up of meteorites
Triton is a dorf planet. It was just discovered.
No. Triton, as King of the Seas, is a myth.
Triton. Roman's would sometimes change the Greek names, but not for all. Triton was one that stuck.
Triton's parents are Poseidon (father) and Amphitrite (mother).
Collective nouns for minnows are a shoal of minnows, a steam of minnows, a stream of minnows, and a swarm of minnows
I am referring to members of the Cyprinidae family.
I think you mean where did he get his trident. Triton was his son. The cyclopes made his trident for him.
frogs can eat minnows
minnows are small to large Freshwater Fish
Neither. Minnows are fish.
Minnows are excellent bait for many fish species.
Minnows are small fish, and they live in ponds. So ponds are the habitats of minnows.
Neptune's moon Triton has a retrograde orbit, meaning it orbits in the opposite direction to the planet's rotation. This is unique among the major moons in our solar system.
Only if they are white cloud minnows.
no, sharks do not eat minnows. dolphins do, though.
It is generally not necessary to separate minnows from their offspring as minnows are not known to exhibit parental care or aggression towards their own young. However, having appropriate hiding spaces or plants in the tank can offer protection for the baby minnows from potential predators or aggressive tankmates.