If you act like Medusa, you are very ominous and threatening. Not someone you would like to hang around with. You only agree with your own answers reasonings and would snap right away if someone even bumped into you. You also might be very self absorbed like Medusa (She turned down Poseidon's proposal to her because she thought she was too beautiful for a god). Basically, you're the worst person to befriend.
Medusa's Grandmother is actually Gaia the godess of the earth and her grandfather is a weirdo like u
medusa is a god the strongest god ever. When she walked anyone she hated died.Well kind of..... more like a Greek goddess.
The stories about them vary, but the later authors say they look as terrible as Medusa.
Medusa is a character of religious fiction like many of the Biblical personalities. There is no chronology for imaginary beings or event.
Medusa was mortal because she was a Gorgon, a creature born from mortal parents. Gorgons were not immortal like the gods and goddesses of Greek mythology.
Medusa means "queen" or "guardian".
what did medusa like to see
There is no Roman meaning to Medusa's name, her name in Greek means "queen".
Stheno and Euryale didn't become like Medusa. Medusa became like them. Before Medusa had become a woman with snakes as hair she was mortal. Her sisters were not. There are two versions of Medusa's story. One was that Medusa became cursed because she slept with Poseidon in Athena's temple. The other story was that Medusa had sworn celibacy to Athena, but forgot those vows and married Poseidon.
A medusa looks like an umbrella and a polyp any idea!
like snakes
Medusa is not a Latin name; it is Greek and it's meaning is "queen" or "guardian".
Medusa was cursed and, so, she probably got used to them after awhile.
Well, Medusa's hair was different kinds of snakes.
like do not be like stupid but you are not