Because Achilles was a mortal, he had no existing Roman counterpart. As such, they would have simply called him Achilles.
It's important to note that most Romans knew Greek as it was the language of trade and commerce.
Achilles's name means "the grief of the people."
Achilles was the son of Peleus, king of the myrmidons, and Thetis.
i do not know it but i am his grate grate grate grate gran son
His name was Patroclus.
Achilles was a hero in Ancient Greek mythology. His mother, the nymph Thetis, attempted to make Achilles immortal by dipping him into the river Styx. She held him by the ankles, so they did not receive invulnerability from the river. Achilles was killed because Paris, in the Trojan War, shot him with an arrow in Achilles' heel - Achilles' one weak spot. This is why the term "achilles heel" became an idiom for a person's one weakness.
Achilles's name means "the grief of the people."
If you mean how was he killed he was shot with an arrow in the Achilles tendon.
Achilles is a name, so you can use it the same way as any other name.
A mediocre Trojan archer and second prince of Troy by the name of Paris drove a Poison arrow into Achilles heel thus killing him.
Achilles was the son of Peleus, king of the myrmidons, and Thetis.
Achilles cousin and best friend was Patroklos.
It was not given a name: it was simply known as the armor of Achilles.
Achilles (Ancient Greek: Ἀχιλλεύς, Akhilleus, pronounced [akʰillěws]
Achilles, as in the Achilles tendon in the heel
Because Achilles is a proper name, and a well established one because of his fame, I think it still would have been pronounced Achilles. But I'm not completely sure.
''Achilles' ''heel is a seemingly small but actually crucial weakness.''''