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Pandora's box is a box that was filled with all the evils of the world and when Pandora let it out, the only thing left in it was Hope.

Demonic Evil! The evils inside Pandora's box was jealousy, vanity, fear, hope, laziness, misery, ills, toils and sickness.



Did you know the general population is trained like domestic pets?

Did you know people are brainwashed beginning as early as three years old?

Did you know that all people have been taught to accept enslavement as citizenship?

Did you know that money was created specifically as a tool of enslavement?

Did you know that the true purpose of money is to control?

Did you know nations will go to war to defend the value of their dollar?

Did you know you don't need money when you have control.

Did you know that for the want of money we enslave ourselves?

Understand this Money is a paper chain

we use money to hold on to a plastic society that uses the same money to enslave us control us separate us and deny us.

Money is the evil that came out of Pandora's Box.
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โˆ™ 10y ago
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โˆ™ 13y ago

All the bad things that Pandora unleashed, thoughts and emotions including

disease, despair, malice, greed, old age, death, hatred, violence, cruelty and war.

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โˆ™ 15y ago

It is not specified other than 'all the evils of mankind' + hope.

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Q: What evils did Pandora unleash into the world?
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What does pandora's box explain?

the evils of the world

What specific evils did Pandora unleash into the world?

The only specification is in Hesiod's 'Works and Days': For she brings with her a jar containing "burdensome toil and sickness that brings death to men", diseases and "a myriad other pains".

What is inside Pandora's box?

In Greek mythology, Pandora's box contained all the evils of the world, such as sickness, envy, and greed. When Pandora opened the box, these evils were unleashed into the world, but hope remained inside to give humanity strength to endure these hardships.

Does Pandora's Box hold secrets?

Pandora's box in Greek mythology is said to have held all the evils in the world.

What was in Pandora's jar?

All the evils, pain and illnesses of the world, as well as hope.

What is the legend of Pandora about?

Pandora was very curious and Zeus gave her a box and told her not to open it. Eventually, Pandora opened it, releasing all of the evils in the world.

What does to open a Pandora's box mean?

To open a Pandora's box means to inadvertently unleash a situation or set of problems that are difficult to control or contain, similar to the myth in which Pandora's curiosity led her to open a box releasing all the world's evils.

Who is pandora's companion in pandora's box?

Pandora's box contained all the world's evils...and hope. So if Pandora had a "companion" in the box, I would say her companion would have to be hope.

Who made Pandora's mirror?

Pandora had a Box full of evils ("Pandora's Box"), not a mirror.

What country does the tale of Pandora's box come from?

The tale of Pandora's box comes from Greek mythology. It is a story about the first woman on Earth, Pandora, who was created by the gods and given a box containing all the evils of the world. When she opened the box, she released these evils into the world, but also found hope at the bottom of the box.

Who is the greek goddess who opened the jar and let evil into the world?

Pandora was the first human woman created by the gods. She opened a jar that released evils upon the world.

What did Prometheus's' sister-in-law bring to earth?

Pandora (Prometheus' sister-in-law) brought Pandora's Box, which contained all the evils, pain and illnesses of the world.