Falling in love with Endymion.
Her weaknesses are falling for sailors.
he died of cancer King Tut broke his leg by falling off a horse drawn chariot
Eros and Aphrodite are in charge of love and beauty. Without them, there would be no beauty or love. The result was that there mortals stopped falling in love.
As Troy crumbles and falls, Aeneas carries his elderly father on his shoulders through enemy spears and the fires of the falling city.
The walls
It was the Vandals, Sueves, Alans, and Burgundians.
death, Indian Attacks, Falling off a mountain side
force and gravity
An example:- I believe that the internet has enabled students to get everything they need without having to work for it and therfore the standard of education is falling.
more than shark attacks i know that for sure
The shape of the object and the density of the gas that the object is falling through.
The factors that shaped the Rocky Shores were a combination of rising and falling tides, and rough waves. These two weathering factors broke apart large areas of the shores.
religious persecution, Indian attacks, Freezing, falling of mountains, wiled animals, being crushed by wagon wheels & disease
Heart attacks do happen more often than peoople think, and the person losing grip, the bar falling and crushing their throat can be fatal.
There are several factors that can improve the economy. The biggest factor that can improve and economy is a low unemployment factor. When unemployment is falling the economy usually improves.