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The Gods gave her Love, Hate, deceitfulness, beauty and any other characteristic women kind need.

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Q: What gifts did all the gods give Pandora?
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Why did the greek god name her Pandora?

Pandora means "all" and "gifts", because the gods, in creating her, bestowed upon her many gifts, including allure, beauty and curiosity, not to mention her famous Jar.

What was Pandora's Roman name?

her roman name stayed the same. it was Pandora

Who molded Pandora and with what?

Pandora was actually created by all the gods. Zeus commanded Hephaestus to mould her first out of earth. The gods then all offered her 'gifts' to make her unique. She was nicknamed 'Beautiful evil'. Pandora was 'the first woman' and was created as part of Prometheus's punishment for stealing fire from the gods. Hope this helps.

Did Athena create Pandora?

Pandora was made by Hephaestus. Zeus breathed life into her. All the other gods gave her gifts. Athena gave her sagacity and skill at spinning and weaving.

What creatures is in Pandora?

Pandora was the first woman made from all the gods, each giving her a unique gift (Pandora means all gifts). She opened out of curiosity the pandora's box (it was actually a jar greek: πύθος) where all the evils of the world were. Sickness, agony, toil, etc and also hope.

Who is the goddess of gifts?

Most likely Pandora (and with a certain irony), whose name means "All Gifts".

Was Pandora an olympian god?

No, she was a women the gods made out of clay. Every god gave her different gifts. She was then presented to Prometheus as his wife. But she was his and mankind's punishment for stealing the secret of fire from the gods, as she would eventually open Pandora's box, due to Hera's gift of curiosity, and release all manner of evils upon the world.

Did Hephaestus create Pandora?

Partly. All gods had a part of it.

Why is Pandora radio called Pandora?

because of the gift from apollo n ancient Greek mythology, Pandora received many gifts from the Gods, including the gift of music, from Apollo. She was also, as we all know, very curious. Unlike those Gods of old, however, we celebrate that virtue and have made it our mission to reward the musically curious among us with a never-ending experience of music discovery.

What kind of goddess is Pandora of greek mythology?

No in Greek mythology Pandora was the first woman ever made. She was given a gift by all the gods, and is said to have been the one who released hate and all evil onto the earth

Why would Zeus name a woman Pandora?

Pandora means "all-gifted". all the gods and goddesses gave her a skill or characteristic when she was being made

Which gods name means all gifted?

In Greek Mythology PANDORA - She is a God who means " All Gifted" For further reference Story of Pandora's Jar at The Classics Pages