Perhaps the most commonly used dates for the Dark Ages are 476 to 1000 AD.
The term Dark Ages is used for a time when there was little recorded history; it was a time that was obscure. People who use the term Dark Ages usually mean the time between the fall of the West Roman Empire and about 1000 AD. This time coincides with the Early Middle Ages. Other people use it to mean the entire Middle Ages. Some use it to mean very restricted times within the Early Middle Ages. It is not a term with an accepted, precise definition.
Those historians who are most interested in the history of the Byzantine Empire have used the term Dark Ages to mean the period from about 630 to 800 AD.
There were other periods also called Dark Ages, such as the Greek Dark Ages of about 1100 to 750 BC, because there was little recorded of the period.
The Dark Ages as a term has undergone many evolutions; its definition depends on who is defining it. Indeed, modern historians no longer use the term because of its negative connotation. Generally, the Dark Ages referred to the period of time ushered in by the fall of the Western Roman Empire. This took place when the last Western emperor, Romulus Augustulus, was deposed by Odoacer, a barbarian. AD 476 was the time of this event.
isolated, constant war, no unity, no trade, unsafe roads, no new tech, no education, low resources, DISEASE, SURVIVAL
people looked inward(whatever that means), they became self-sufficient and illiterate.
few leisure activities, plague, not much childhood-no use for something that doesn't work
It stayed, in a way, especially in southern Europe, however in northern Europe and the British Isles, paganism - what they worshipped before the Romans - remained a majority religion. Pity in the dark ages existed at all. Think, priests, monks and inquisitors would not have hindered technology for a millennium
Who was the leader of the dark ages
So dark you would not be able to see
Golden Ages were when a Kingdom was at it's best, like for example, large expansion and conquering or when they really aspired in the arts. Dark Ages were ones of terror and fear, like In the dark age on the Middle Ages, there was a lot of killing and war. Sorry if I got kind of boring. :-)
The two kinds of government after the dark ages were aritocracy and democracies.
Ancient Greece had been long before the Dark Ages, so the answer to your question is neither. Sometimes the period between the end of the Trojan War and the beginning of the Classical Period is referred to as the Greek Dark Age.
what happen to perspective in the dark ages
It was the beginning of the Dark Ages
For years technologists have predicted that, by this time we would be flying around in flying cars. Unfortunately the arrival of the flying car was held up by the Dark Ages which unexpectedly impeded the inexorable march of technology. If the Dark Ages had never happened, we would have our flying cars by now HTH Richard Wolf Sotware Architect
medevil dark ages
It was the beginning of the Dark Ages
The Greeks went into the Dark Age
they brang iron wepons lto save themselfs
Who was the leader of the dark ages
The Renaissance was not labeled the "dark ages". Renaissance means "rebrith" and it came AFTER the "dark ages or the middle ages."
Dark Ages and\or Medieval Ages
The dark ages, otherwise known as the middle ages, was followed by the Renaissance era. During the renaissance, Europe began to re-adopt old Greek and Roman philosophies, art, and science.
1st AnswerThis is not a good question. The dark ages occurred much later.2nd AnswerThe Greek Dark Ages were from roughly 1200 BC to 800 BC. The iron age started in Mesopotamia, and iron working was imported to Greece, possibly during the same period.There are links below.