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Aryans were great adveturers, warriors, scholars and spiritually religios people. Wherever they went or conquered, their culture assymilated these characters into the local people and those people adopted the values that the Aryans carried.

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Q: What happened when the Aryan culture mixed their culture with people they conquered?
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How do aryan people reflect on their culture?

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How was Aryan culture different from Harappan culture?

Hinduism was practiced in Aryan culture. Brahmanism was practiced in Harappan culture.

How was aryan culture diffrerent from harappan culture?

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What popular religion did the Aryan religion develop into?

A:Hinduism has its roots in the ancient Aryan culture of southern Russia. It is also generally believed that Zoroastrianism also arose from the Aryan culture.

How do Vedas poems and epics of the Aryan people reflect their culture?

The Aryans believed that what a person did in life had much to do with who he or she was

Which best describes origins of Hinduism?

Hinduism was a blend of Aryan traditions and the culture of the cities of Mohenjo-daro and Harappa of the Indus Valley civilizations. The Indus Valley civilizations were already in decline when the Aryans arrived in northern India; however, they were still more advanced than the culture of the Aryans. The Aryans adopted many cultural characteristics of the people they conquered. Archaeological diggings at Mohenjo-daro and Harappa show that religious beliefs were among the Indus Valley cultural characteristics that found their way into Aryan culture.

What culture impact did the Aryan migration have on India?

In charloot

what religion parallels with the Aryan culture?

Christianity or Islam

What is the caste system in aryan culture?

Tar tar

What religion grew out of the culture of the ancient Aryan's?


What happened to the people Hitler saw had no blue eyes and blonde hair?

To be Aryan did not necessarily mean you had to have blonde hair & blue eyes. This interpretation of Aryan is a postwar pop-culture myth. Everyone knew what Hitler looked like. Very few of the top Nazi leaders had blonde hair & blue eyes. Even among the people of Norway & Sweden, blonde hair & blue eyes are not the majority.