He then gave the sandals to Hermes; he gave the Gorgon's head to Athena, who put it upon the aegis . He then went back to Acrisius' kingdom, where he fulfilled the prophecy by accidentally killing his grandfather while throwing the discus.
perseuse gives Polydectes medusa's head and they turn to stone but Danae doesn't because Perseus worns her daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! What Up!
To cut a long story short, Polydectes was turned to stone. But here's the full story: King Polydectes of Seriphos fell in love with Danae, mother of the Greek hero Perseus. However, Perseus was protective and wouldn't let Polydectes near her. Polydectes pretended he was going to marry a princess and ordered every man in his kingdom to supply him with a gift. Perseus couldn't afford a gift, and so pledged the King anything he wanted. Polydectes asked for the head of the Gorgon Medusa. Perseus killed Medusa and returned with her head, but found Polydectes was threatening and abusing his mother Danae. Perseus snuck into the throne room, where he found Polydectes and his nobles. When they gazed upon Medusa's head, they were turned to stone.
Polydectey's believes that Perseus will turn to stone and he will be Able to marry Perseus's mom
he was known for slaying Medusa A horrible gorgon ,a mythical beast which hideous features which turn victims to stone, he was sent by polydectes to slay her as a wedding gift to get rid of perseus in order to marry his mother. Soon after perseus turned a horrible sea beast to stone to save a princess which later became his wife of 6 kids (5 boys and 1 girl).He returned with the head and turned polydectes to stone as the king did not believe him so perseus showed him the head therefor ending the myth
He unveils the head of Medusa and turns her gaze towards King Polydectes, because even in death Medusa's gaze can turn things to stone.
Polydectes's true motive in sending Perseus to kill Medusa was to get rid of Perseus, hoping that Perseus would not return alive from such a dangerous quest. Polydectes was interested in Perseus's mother, Danae, but wanted Perseus out of the way.
perseuse gives Polydectes medusa's head and they turn to stone but Danae doesn't because Perseus worns her daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! What Up!
To cut a long story short, Polydectes was turned to stone. But here's the full story: King Polydectes of Seriphos fell in love with Danae, mother of the Greek hero Perseus. However, Perseus was protective and wouldn't let Polydectes near her. Polydectes pretended he was going to marry a princess and ordered every man in his kingdom to supply him with a gift. Perseus couldn't afford a gift, and so pledged the King anything he wanted. Polydectes asked for the head of the Gorgon Medusa. Perseus killed Medusa and returned with her head, but found Polydectes was threatening and abusing his mother Danae. Perseus snuck into the throne room, where he found Polydectes and his nobles. When they gazed upon Medusa's head, they were turned to stone.
Polydectey's believes that Perseus will turn to stone and he will be Able to marry Perseus's mom
Polydectey's believes that Perseus will turn to stone and he will be Able to marry Perseus's mom
Polydectes suggested that Perseus undertake the quest to bring him the head of the Gorgon Medusa. This was a dangerous task as whoever looked directly at Medusa would turn to stone.
Medusa was a dangerous monster, her gaze turned everything to stone. King Polydectes wanted Perseus out of the way so he could try and seduce Perseus' mother Danaë. So Polydectes sent Perseus on this dangerous mission, but with the help of Hermes and thena he went through with it. He cut off her head!
King Polydectes of Seriphos fell in love with Danae, mother of the Greek hero Perseus. However, Perseus was protective and wouldn't let Polydectes near her. Polydectes pretended he was going to marry a princess and ordered every man in his kingdom to supply him with a gift. Perseus couldn't afford a gift, and so pledged the King anything he wanted. Polydectes asked for the head of the Gorgon Medusa. Perseus killed Medusa by using his shield as a mirror to avoid her deadly gaze. and returned with her head, but found Polydectes was threatening and abusing his mother Danae. Perseus snuck into the throne room, where he found Polydectes and his nobles. When they gazed upon Medusa's head, they were turned to stone.
he was known for slaying Medusa A horrible gorgon ,a mythical beast which hideous features which turn victims to stone, he was sent by polydectes to slay her as a wedding gift to get rid of perseus in order to marry his mother. Soon after perseus turned a horrible sea beast to stone to save a princess which later became his wife of 6 kids (5 boys and 1 girl).He returned with the head and turned polydectes to stone as the king did not believe him so perseus showed him the head therefor ending the myth
He unveils the head of Medusa and turns her gaze towards King Polydectes, because even in death Medusa's gaze can turn things to stone.
No, it is either all that met her gaze turned to stone; or that Perseus killed her because King Polydectes said that if he did he could claim his lands and it was thought a impossible task more likely do get Perseus killed then Medusa slayed.
He was taunted by Polydectes and he promised to kill Medusa.He did with the help of Athene and Hermes.When he was returning home he saw a lady about to be eating by one of Poseidon's monsters and recued her.He then brought the head of Medusa to Polydectes and knowing that Polydectes had taken advantage of his mother he turned him to stone.