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Cave paintings have been found on cave walls throughout the world. These paintings help historians and archaeologists get a look at how people thought as much as 40,000 years ago, although why these paintings were painted are unknown.

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Q: What has been found on cave walls?
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What has been on cave walls?

Cave paintings have been found on cave walls throughout the world. These paintings help historians and archaeologists get a look at how people thought as much as 40,000 years ago, although why these paintings were painted are unknown.

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on cave wall painting and tomb walls

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Rupestrian refers to art that is done on cave or rock walls. It might be found in churches or holy sites. Also, it could refer to the earliest art ever found, which was created on cave walls by modern man's caveman ancestors.

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The lascaux cave is a cave in France that has animal paintings from a long time ago on the walls, and that is why it is famous.

What aristic expressions from cro-magnons have you found?

They painted on cave walls, and carved small stone figurines known as Venuses.

What did cro-magnon man paint on cave?

According to what has been discovered ancient men painted hunting scenes and other nature scenes on cave walls. Art has always been based on what is relevant to the artist.

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Tafoni are small cave-like features found in granular rock such as sandstone, with rounded entrances and smooth concave walls.

What was the major art form of CroMagnons?

They painted on cave walls, and carved small stone figurines known as Venuses.

What were neanderthal first to do?

Paint on cave walls.

Where did cavemen paint?

they painted on the walls of there cave