Circe (Kirke) is a minor goddess and played only minor roles in mythology. As such she didn't have a specific symbol. However her name means "Falcon" and she was well known for turning her enemies into animals.
Hermes giving him the moly potion
A year.
Sending scouts to Circes island is one Sending scouts to the lotus eaters is two Going to meet polyphemus is three
Circe turns the men into pigs with her spells.
Hermes giving him the moly potion
A year.
my face reveal ballora/my sister/circes baby/me
The animals in Circe's hall are Odysseus's men.
the god who helped Odysseus repel circes spell would be Hermes the mesenger of the gods.
Sending scouts to Circes island is one Sending scouts to the lotus eaters is two Going to meet polyphemus is three
Circe turns the men into pigs with her spells.
Circe, the sorceress, is a character in the Odyssey. She has no equivalent in Roman mythology.
Circe wasn't a goddess she was a sorceress who lived on the island Aeaea and turned any men who came to her island into pigs until Odysseus stopped her with the help of the god Hermes.