It is lots of meats andwell-watered wine and a dessert and a starter! I need the answer to this so i put this!!
Roman Catholic AnswerSt. Augustine of Hippo's father was Patricius, a pagan; and his mother was St. Monica - whose feast day 27 August, the day before her son's.
Roman Catholic AnswerWe do not know, the only mention of St. Antipas is in the book of Revelation, although he may have been martyred on April 11 as that is his feast day, around the year 90.
January - named after JANUS, the god of beginnings. February - from the Latin word Februarius, the feast of purification. March - from Latin Martius, (month of) the Roman god Mars. April - from the Latin word Aprilis. The name may derive from the Greek goddess of love, Aphrodite. May - from the Greek: Maia, goddess of spring (growth). June - named after the Roman goddess Juno, Queen of the gods. July - from the Roman name Julius (Caesar), after whom the month was named in 44 BC. August - from the Roman name Augustus (Caesar) 8 BC. September - from the Latin word for the seventh month in the early Roman calendar. October - from the Latin word for the eighth month in the early Roman calendar. November - from the Latin word for the ninth month of the early Roman calendar. December - from the Latin word for the tenth month of the early Roman calendar.
No, the Feast of Lupercal takes place on February 15 whereas the Ides of March are on March 15.
boo boo
There was more then one.
In Roman Catholicism, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception.
The feast of St. John the Apostle and Evangelist is on December 27 in the Roman Catholic Chruch.
Roman Catholic AnswerSt. Therese of Lisieux's feast day is October 1. She is a doctor of the Church.
September 21 in the Roman Church
Roman Catholic AnswerPope Pius VI does not have a feast day as he has never been declared a saint.
The Baptism of the Lord is celebrated on the feast: the Solemnity of the Epiphany, usually celebrated in the Roman church on 6th of January.
Roman Catholic AnswerThe feast day of Our Lady of Sorrows is on September 15 each year, it is a Memorial.
The Roman Catholic Church celebrates the feast day of St. Richard of Chichester on 3rd April.
The feast of Philip the Apostle is May 3rd on the Roman Calendar and November 14 onn the Greek Calendar.