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During the Gupta period from A.D. 320 to about A.D. 500, India's literature, sculpture, and other arts reached high levels of accomplishment. Textile manufacturing and trade with China and Southeast Asia flourished. Music and dance developed the complex forms that formed the basis of classical Indian music and dance. Sanskrit, India's classical language, flowered during the Gupta period. Hindu schools and Buddhist monasteries taught astronomy, grammar, mathematics, medicine, philosophy and religion. Gupta mathematicians invented the decimal system and the numerals that most of the world uses today. Under the Guptas, Hinduism developed many of the social and religious forms found today. I hope that this has been a help to you.


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^ An artist of the Gupta Empire painted this delicate image of the Buddha. The Achievements of the Gupta Empire 18.1 Introduction In Chapter 17, you learned how India was unified for the first time under the Mauryan Empire. In this chapter, you will explore the next great Indian empire, the Gupta Empire. The Guptas were a line of rulers who ruled much of India from 320 to 550 C.E.Many historians have called this period a golden age, a time of great prosperity and achievement. Peaceful times allow people to spend time thinking and being creative. During nonpeaceful times, people are usually too busy keeping themselves alive to spend time on inventions and artwork. For this reason, a number of advances in the arts and sciences came out during the peaceful golden age of the Gupta Empire. These achievements have left a lasting mark on the world. Archeologists have made some amazing discoveries that have helped us learn about the accom- plishments of the Gupta Empire. For example, they have unearthed palm-leaf books that were created about 550 C.E.Palm-leaf books often told religious stories. These stories are just one of many kinds of literature that Indians created under the Guptas. Literature was one of several areas of great accomplishment during India's Golden Age. In this chapter, you'll learn more about the rise of the Gupta Empire. Then you'll take a close look at seven achievements that came outof this rich period in India's history. Use this illustrationof a palm-leaf book as a graphic organizer to help you learn more about Indian achieve- ments during the Gupta Empire. CHAPTER The Achievements of the Gupta Empire 167

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china's golden age witnessed many advances in science and the arts, including the invention of paper.

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Q: What is a achievement that developed during the golden age of the gulpa empire?
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Which is an example of an achievent that developed during the golden age of the gupta empire?

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What is an achievements that developed during the golden age of the Gupta empire?

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