Examples of artisans would be:
a lady
i am the best
an artisan is someone who works, and they started to become one when they mastered their skill!
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they made goods such as barrels for storage and iron goods,such as nails and horseshoes
The components of artisan qualification are the method in which employment was secured. The work is in the alternative market and an example of artisan qualification would be by word of mouth.
Patronage was popular during the Renaissance. It is the relationship between a wealthy family and artisan. An example is the Medici family and Botticelli.
I know a good woodworking artisan. That artisan is quite talented with many mediums.
a person became an artisan by being an apprentice before being an artisan
Each of these objects were made by an American Indian artisan.
The artisan was very particular about his carpentry.
Artisan's House was created in 1777.
The Artisan Hotel was created in 1979.
Artisan Entertainment ended in 2003.
Artisan Entertainment was created in 1983.
Craftman are what workers trained in a specific craft are called.