A palindrome is a word that reads the same if read forwards or backwards. Some examples are civic, level, rotor, and radar.
tut.Have you ever heard of king tut no wonder you looked this up!
King Tutankhamun a.k.a King Tut.
The short name of king Tutankhamun is Tut, which is a palindrome.
tut.Have you ever heard of king tut no wonder you looked this up!
The word "Malayalam" is a palindrome that means king or ruler in the Malayalam language, a language predominantly spoken in the Indian state of Kerala.
No, "Old King Cole was a merry old soul" is not a palindrome. A palindrome is a word, phrase, or sequence of characters that reads the same backward as forward. This phrase does not read the same backward as forward.
The king of Ancient Mesopotamia was King Hammurabi.
I believe that the first ancient Jewish king was King Saul.
The king of ancient Egypt is normally referred to as a Pharaoh
king aha
King Hammurabi was the king of Ancient 'Mesopotamia'.