Ri is the scientific term for extinct dinosaur in the form of moose
This is a difficult question to answer because of the controversial nature of the subject of race. Biological definitions of race and social definitions of race are often not consistent. Also unfortunately there has been a history of racist ideas in Western academia that were often fixated on separating Egypt culturally and biologically from the rest of the African continent. However mainstream, modern scholarship has advanced to the point where there are academically honest experts who can give us some answers. It has been suggested by at least one prominent Biological Anthropologist that in terms of skin color the typical modern Upper Egyptian to Nubian color would have been the model in most of the country (see the research of Shomarka Keita on Ancient Egyptian biological affinities). That would imply a range in skin color on average from medium to dark brown. A recent study which performed a histological analysis of the skin on Ancient Egyptian noble mummies from Upper Egypt found it to be, "packed with melanin as expected for specimens of Negroid origin" (see Mekota and Vermehren 2004). Skeletal remains of the Ancient Egyptians have been studied for many years. Their limb proportions have been determined to be tropical suggesting that the ancestors of the Ancient Egyptians migrated from the tropics upon settling the Nile Valley (see Zakrzewski 2004). Predynastic Egyptian crania at the time of state formation cluster with Northeastern Nilotic, Northwestern Saharan and tropical East Africans (see Keita 1993). There seems to have been a change in craniometric patterns in later periods as Late Dynastic Northern Egyptians have centroid values between African and European series. DNA analysis of 12th Dynasty mummies reveal that they have multiple lines of descent including from Sub-Saharan Africa (see Paabo and Di Rienzo 1993). The other lineages were not identified. Archeological and Linguistic research indicates that the Ancient Egyptians were indigenous to the continent of Africa (see Hassan 1988 and Ehret 1996). Art objects are not considered to be useful by Biological Anthropologists because they are suspect as data and interpretations are highly dependent on stereotyped thinking but some scholars have noted that much of the Dynastic statuary have variations on the narrow nosed, narrow faced East African facial morphology. By taking a multidisciplinary approach several modern scholars have come to the conclusion that the Ancient Egyptians were an indigenous Northeast African people who were tropically adapted and shared biological affinities with their more Southerly African neighbors. This is in reference to the early Ancient Egyptians as over time Egypt gradually absorbed foreigners from the Near East and Europe which became a recurring phenomenon after the series of invasions following the New Kingdom period. Immigration was especially significant during the Greco-Roman and Islamic periods of Egyptian history. So Ancient Egypt was indeed an indigenous African civilization and its people looked like modern Northeast Africans like those in modern Upper Egypt, Northern Sudan and the Horn of Africa. If you consider your average Upper Egyptian, Nubian, Eritrean or Somali to be Black then yes by your definition they were Black. But bare in mind that native Africans have a range of physical characteristics. They don't all have one particular phenotype. There was variation within the Nile Valley during the Dynastic period as there is in Northeast Africa today.
The Bhagavad Gita (Sanskrit भगवद्गीता, Bhagavad Gītā, "Song of God") is one of the most important Hindu scriptures. It is revered as a sacred scripture of Hinduism, and considered as one of the most important philosophical classics of the world. The Bhagavad Gita comprises 700 verses, and is a part of the Mahabharata. The teacher of the Bhagavad Gita is Krishna, who is revered by Hindus as a manifestation of the Lord Himself, and is referred to within as Bhagavan-the divine one. If one looks up the original scientific study of theology, the story of Krishna and the story of Yeshua (Jesus) are the same. Since the Gita was written thousands of years before, it was decided that most of the stories of miracles in the Bible were later attributed to Yeshua (Jesus) and the argument of the Christian theologians at the time was that there were actually three previous virgin births to the birth of Christ and that they were a "trick of Satan" to discredit the real Messiah. As one can see immediately the same language is used in both books, that Krishna and Jesus were both considered by their own practitioners as the manifestation of The Lord Himself on earth. The part that was not discussed at the time was that Yeshua (Jesus) spoke Aramaic, while his disciples spoke Hebrew. In Hebrew the word Jehova or Yahweh is a proposed English reading of , the name of the God of Israel . And the same word in Aramaic: The name Joseph means, "Jehovah has added." For tax purposes, everyone had a public record. When asked who you were, you stated the town you were born in and your father's name. Most people were called by the town they came from and their first name, as in Roman history. I.E. Leonardo Da Vinci meant that he was the man named Leonardo from Vinci, Italy. When asked his father's name, it sounded to them like he was saying Jehovah or Yahweh, which in Hebrew meant the God of Israel but in his language, Aramaic, was the word for Joseph. Also, the name Jesus is incorrect and here is the literal translations:It is most proper to call Him Yeshua. It was indeed his proper name, given to him by his parents, and only in Hebrew does this name have any meaning. In Hebrew Yeshua means both "Salvation," and the concatenated form of Yahoshua, is "Lord who is Salvation." The name Jesus has no intrinsic meaning in English whatsoever.There are many Yeshuas that we read about in Biblical text and many are confused with the Yeshua who would later become the "Christ". The name Yeshua appears 29 times in the Tanach. Yehoshua (Joshua) of Nun is called Yeshua in Nechemyah (Nehemiah) 8:17. Yeshua is the name of the Cohain HaGadol (the high priest) in the time of Zerubavel in Ezra 3:2. It is the name of a Levite under King Hizkiyah (Hezekiah) in 2 Chronicles 31:15. There is even a city called Yeshua in the negev of Yehudah in Nechemyah11:26. Yeshua is also a shortened version of the word Yehoshua much like Bill is for William.There are 7 other Yeshuas (Jesuses) in the Brit Chadashah. There is Elymas bar Yeshua in Acts 13:6. There is an ancestor of Yeshua HaMashiach: the son of Eliezar, the father of Er in Luke 3:29. In Rav Shaul's letter to the Colossians in chapter 4, verse 11, there is a Justus called Yeshua a fellow worker of Shaul. Josephus, the famous Jewish historian mentions 20 different Yeshuas (Jesuses), 10 of which are contemporary with Yeshua HaMashiach. All together, at least 50 Yeshuas from his time plus about 9 in the Tanach have been revealed from Biblical text and other literary sources.Mistranslating the MistranslationYeshua is a Hebrew name which has been transliterated into Greek as Iesous (IhsouV: pronounced "ee-ay-SUS"). The English "Jesus" comes from the Latin transliteration of the Greek name into the Latin Iesus. Now Greek has no "y" sound, but the Latin "i" is both an "i" and a "j" (i.e., it can have a consonantal force in front of other vowels), the latter of which is properly pronounced like the English "y" (which explains the German Jesu, "YAY-su")That is why we spell Jesus as we do, taking it straight from Latin, but we pronounce the name with a soft "j" sound because that is what we do in English with the consonantal "j".The first letter in the name Yeshua ("Jesus") is the yod. Yod represents the "Y" sound in Hebrew. Many names in the Bible that begin with yod are mispronounced by English speakers because the yod in these names was transliterated in English Bibles with the letter "J" rather than "Y". This came about because in early English the letter "J" was pronounced the way we pronounce "Y" today. All proper names in the Old Testament were transliterated into English according to their Hebrew pronunciation via the Latin, but when English pronunciation shifted to what we know today, these transliterations were not altered. Thus, such Hebrew place names as ye-ru-sha-LA-yim, ye-ri-HO, and yar-DEN have become known to us as Jerusalem, Jericho, and Jordan; and Hebrew personal names such as yo-NA, yi-SHAI, and ye-SHU-a have become known to us as Jonah, Jesse, and Jesus. To further complicate matters, there was no letter "J" in the old English alphabet and the letter "I" was often used in its place. Often in early texts of the time, Jesus or Jerusalem would be spelled Iesus or Ierusalem.To be correct one must remember that the Messiah described in the Christian Bible was called the King of the Jews for a reason. The New Testament is Christian but the old Testament is an English translation of the Talmud, which is the book of the Jews. Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are all three branches of the religious family tree. They were divided and enforced by Constantine who bought himself a Sainthood and was firmly involved in trying to keep the Church as a part of his authority since the people would listen to the church more favorably than to a monarch.The origins of the three went like this:The three major religions that originated in Southwest Asia are Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.All are based on monotheism, a belief in one god.Each religion has a sacred text, or book, which is at the core of its faith.Each book is a collection of writings compiled over time.None was written by the central figure of the faith.Origins of Judaism:Judaism is the oldest of the three religions.It began as a set of beliefs and laws practiced by ancient Hebrew people in Southwest Asia.Its book is the Hebrew Bible.Jews believe that one day a human leader will come as a messenger of God and bring about a golden age.They call this leader the messiah.In Greek versions of the Bible, messiah is written as christos, the anointed one.The Bible names Abraham as the father of the Jews.There is no other evidence of his life. Scholars place Abraham living sometime between 2000 and 1500 BCE.The Bible states that Abraham was born in Ur, in present-day Iraq.He later moved to Canaan, in present-day Israel.Jews believe Canaan is the Promised Land, which God promised to Abraham and his descendants.It is said that Abraham's grandson Jacob had 12 sons.The twelve tribes of Israel began with Jacob's sons.Jacob was later called Israel, and his descendants are called Israelites.According to the Bible, the First Temple for Jewish worship was built around 900-1000 BCE and destroyed by Babylonians in 586 BCE.The Jews were then sent out of Canaan, but returned after 50 years in exile.A Diaspora occurs when a group of people leave their homeland and move to many different locations separately.All of the world's Jewish communities today that do not live in present-day Israel are part of the Jewish Diaspora.A new temple was finished 70 years later on the site of the First Temple, but was badly plundered by invading Romans about 54 BCE.King Herod, a Jew, ruled Judea for the Romans.The second temple was rebuilt in 20 BCE.When Romans attacked Jerusalem again in 70 CE, they destroyed Herod's temple.Today, the single remaining temple wall, the Western Wall, is a place of prayer for Jewish pilgrims.Jews moved away from the land again, until the modern state of Israel was formed in the late 1940s.Origins of Christianity : In 30 CE, a Jew named Jesus began preaching new ideas about Judaism in Roman-controlled Judea.The later title of Jesus Christ given to Jesus is a reference to the belief by his followers that he is the Jewish messiah.According to the Christian New Testament, Jesus preached only to his fellow Jews.His idea was that the old laws of Judaism should be replaced by a simpler system based on love of one's fellow human beings.He began to grow popular. Jewish leaders did not want Jesus and the disciples Jesus to threaten their power and asked the Romans to arrest him.The Romans found him guilty of speaking against Jewish laws and sentenced him to death by crucifixion, or by being hung on a cross.He died in 33 CE, after preaching for only three years.Jesus had 12 close followers, or disciples. Interestingly, a man who had never met Jesus became the person to spread his message around the world.Paul of Tarsus had a vision of Jesus after the crucifixion that told him to teach Jesus' ideas to non-Jews.Paul traveled to build churches throughout the ancient world in Ephesus, Corinth, Rome, and other cities.The New Testament records Paul's journeys through a series of letters, or epistles, that he wrote.The chapters of Romans, Corinthians, Ephesians, Galatians, and Thessalonians, are all letters written by Paul to the people of new, non-Jewish churches established in these locations.Paul taught them how to live their lives in these letters.By 100 CE, the growth of Christianity was left to a new generation of people who had never known Jesus and who did not know Jewish laws.Roman authorities fought the growth of Christianity.Christians were often arrested and killed.Most Christians practiced their religion in hiding, but their numbers continued to grow and the religion spread.By the early 4th century, Christianity may have reached members of the Roman emperor's family.The Roman Emperor Constantine was not a Christian, but he had his soldiers fight an important battle in 313 CE with a Christian symbol on their shields.His army won the battle.In the nearly 300 years since his death, many different ideas had developed about how to follow Jesus.In 325 CE, Constantine called a meeting for all the Christian leaders to meet in Nicea.About 300 men attended the meeting to discuss how Christianity should be practiced.The council produced the Nicene Creed, the first attempt at a uniform statement of Christian doctrine.When the Christian leaders left this meeting, a new type of Christian church had been formed.This new church was said to be Catholic, which means universal.Origins of Islam :The Prophet Muhammad was an Arab born in 570 CE, in Mecca, which is in present-day Saudi Arabia.He was a merchant known as "al-Amin," the trustworthy one.According to Islamic tradition, in 610 CE, while he was praying in a cave, he had a vision of the angel Gabriel, a figure in the Hebrew Bible.The angel gave him messages from God, called Allah in Arabic.Muhammad spread the messages he received from Allah.He was forced to flee Mecca for Medina in 622 CE.This flight is known as the Hijrah.The Islamic calendar begins at this date.By the time he died in 632 CE, Islamic control of central Arabia was well underway.Before 700 CE, Muhammad's followers were fighting over his successor.The fight split Muslims into the Shi'a and the Sunni.The Shi'a comprise 10%-15% of Islamic followers today and the Sunni comprise close to 90%.The Five Pillars of Islam is the term for the religion's five main beliefs.They are accepted by all Sunnis and Shi'as, but the Shi'as have added several other practices to form the Branches of Religion.The Five PillarsThe Five Pillars are:Believe in only one God and Muhammad is his messenger.Pray in the direction of Mecca five times a day.Donate money to the poor.Fast during the month of Ramadan.Make a journey, or häjj, to Mecca at least once.Islam has other rules, including what Muslims are allowed to eat and drink, how to pray, and even what to wear and how to bathe.Also, the Qur'an, their sacred book, explains a concept called jihad.Jihad requires believers to meet the enemies of Islam (Infidels) in combat.Enemies can be attacked by the heart, the tongue, the hand, or the sword.An Islamic Golden Age lasted from 750 to 1400.Advances in Islamic learning inspired the European Renaissance.The city of Mecca became a major economic center, helping Islam expand.Literacy was, for the first time, widespread among the populations of the Middle East.In 1258, the Islamic city of Baghdad was attacked, conquered, and destroyed by the Mongols, a dynasty from central Asia.The Islamic Golden Age began to draw to a close.
Amed Ri Trabzonlu Ri' has written: 'Mame-'i Sivstopol'
resistive index (RI) resistive index (RI)
RI has a smaller area then MA. RI has a smaller population then MA. RI has a higher population density then MA. RI has a lower mean elevation then MA. RI has less electors then MA. RI entered the Union after MA. RI has had lower high temperatures then MA. RI has had higher low temperatures then MA. RI has had less US Presidents born in their state (0) then MA (4).
Reserve Inspecter is full form of RI in Indian police.
no, "ri" has no meaning in Hebrew.
RI stands rhode island and it is a original colony
Keikan Ri was born in 1915.
Ri Richards was born in 1964.
Depending on how it is pronounced, if it is 'mah-ri-lee' it would be マリリー /ma ri rii/. If it is pronounced 'meh-ri-lee' it would be メアリリー /me a ri rii/.
One can access several different online resources to find work in RI. Popular websites to find work in RI include: Indeed, Jobs in RI, Providence Journal and the RI dot Gov website.
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