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The Romans wore two garments: The tunica and the toga. The tunica was a short undergarment with short sleeves. It was worn publicly by the lower class; however, Romans of all classes would wear them privately at home. The toga was a more formal garment that was only worn by the official citizens of Rome.

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Q: What is a roman garment that slipped over the head and belted at the waist?
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Who had 3 bodies joined at the waist?

The giant Geryon had three bodies joined at the waist.

What did Scylla look like?

a woman to the waist, then 6 ugly, vicous, furluss dogs sprouted out of her waist and a fish tail.

Roman archer-god son of love goddes?

His name is Cupid, often portrayed on valentine cards as a plump winged baby wearing a sheet around his waist and bearing a bow and arrow. He is the son of Venus, and it is said that when he shoots two people in the heart with his arrows, instead of dying they will fall in love.

In mythology Who had three bodies joined at the waist?


What influences does ancient Greece have on us today?

Men wore Chlamys which are a large rectangle of fabric worn over the head and belted at the waist, it was a standard military garment. Most of the bling went into the clasps and ornaments that held the garments together. The privileged class constantly would strive to display their wealth in their clothing and their lifestyle, always aware that their peers were doing the same. ( Chlamys ) were the norm as an outer garment, but many accessories were added to improve its looks and taste. Undergarments, called Peplos, and Chitons differed for men and women, but made up what most people wore daily. The Chiton is the garment most depicted in the statues of the time worn by the women. Although most modern photos and movies depict the ancient Greeks as wearing all white it is believed that they favored bright colors much more, there is evidence that the Greek statues that we all know were painted in these bright colors when they were made. soldiers wore armor which also had it's showier versions.

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What is a Romans coat called?

The Romans did not have coats, so they had no word for it. The closest thing to our idea of a coat was the "caracalla" which was a long garment with sleeves and a hood that was belted at the waist.The Romans did not have coats, so they had no word for it. The closest thing to our idea of a coat was the "caracalla" which was a long garment with sleeves and a hood that was belted at the waist.The Romans did not have coats, so they had no word for it. The closest thing to our idea of a coat was the "caracalla" which was a long garment with sleeves and a hood that was belted at the waist.The Romans did not have coats, so they had no word for it. The closest thing to our idea of a coat was the "caracalla" which was a long garment with sleeves and a hood that was belted at the waist.The Romans did not have coats, so they had no word for it. The closest thing to our idea of a coat was the "caracalla" which was a long garment with sleeves and a hood that was belted at the waist.The Romans did not have coats, so they had no word for it. The closest thing to our idea of a coat was the "caracalla" which was a long garment with sleeves and a hood that was belted at the waist.The Romans did not have coats, so they had no word for it. The closest thing to our idea of a coat was the "caracalla" which was a long garment with sleeves and a hood that was belted at the waist.The Romans did not have coats, so they had no word for it. The closest thing to our idea of a coat was the "caracalla" which was a long garment with sleeves and a hood that was belted at the waist.The Romans did not have coats, so they had no word for it. The closest thing to our idea of a coat was the "caracalla" which was a long garment with sleeves and a hood that was belted at the waist.

What are the best words to describe a roman dress?

Belted and baggy would describe Roman dress. Most of the tunics and stolas were simply large squares of fabric which got their shape from being belted at the waist and having the upper material pulled down over the belt.

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Belted Earls are the same as an English Earl. The English Earl who wears a sword at his waist is said to be a belted earl.

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Dresses that are belted at the waist or have an empire style cut will help to make your waist look slimmer.

What did Roman women were?

Roman women wore a stolla and a palla. The stolla was a long tunic belted at the waist. The folds of the tunic could be pulled over the belt giving the dress a "blousson" effect. The palla was an outer garment, oblong or rectangular in shape that was worn outdoors and could be draped in various ways. It usually had a hood or extra fabric that could be pulled over the head.

What is the definition of tunic?

A tunic is a medieval outer garment that is somewhat like a long shirt that goes past the waist and is belted. It goes from your shoulder to somewhere between the hips and ankles and it was worn by ancient Greeks or Romans. The tunics are worn by men and women both. It is categorized into three: - roman tunics, medieval tunics, modern tunic, 19th century tunic and Greek tunic.

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A boyish figure is considered to be a woman lacking curves. If I am understanding that definition correctly, I would suggest something that you can belt at the waist. If you were to wear a dress that is belted, or a loose fitting top that is belted, it defines your waist and gives you a curvier look. I hope that helps!

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an outer garment that extends from the waist down

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A belted tool holder is also known as a tool belt and it is usually worn around your waist as you are working so you have easy access to your tools everyday.

What is the difference between a toga and a tunic?

A toga is a piece of cloth that was extensively worn by the ancient Greeks and Romans. Both men and women wore togas for social events and everyday wear. Most togas were white or beige in color, and was tied at the waist for added comfort.