The mountain climber faced a steep ascent to the summit.
His ascent to the Supreme Court was not without controversy.
I Loveprehostory.
explain why estimating is helpful. use at least one sentence to is 2 1/4 =0.7
i almost forgotten my homework
Senusret ruled in the middle kingdom.
the ascent to the volcano was very treachourous..
It was a steep ascent as they climbed the mountain. This is one example of how to use ascent in a sentence.
The rocket's ascent to the sky was magnificent.
Assenting to his demands, I started the final ascent up the mountain.
i slowly ascented the ladder
I gratefully rested for about ten minutes when we completed our ascent of the nearly vertical tor. There was just a moment of near weightlessness when we completed our ascent, and the plane leveled out.
The Ascent was created in 1977.
The word "ascent" is a noun.
The duration of The Ascent is 1.85 hours.
Ascent Solar's population is 2,010.
Everest Ascent happened in 1983.
Everest Ascent was created in 1983.