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Q: What is a shadoof used for in ancient Egypt?
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What is a shduf?

The word is spelled shaduf or shadoof, and it is a device used for drawing water from a well. It was invented in ancient Egypt.

How does the shadoof or floodgates help with the irrigation in ancient Egypt?

it help by bringing water to dry places

Water raising device found in Egypt?

A counterpoint lift called a shadoof - also called shaduf, dhenkli or a picottah.

Who used a shaduf in Egypt?

Not tryna be a correcter but it's spelled shadoof and the Egyptians, Babylonians, And Sumerians may have used em. I think the aryans did too :/

What were camels used for in ancient Egypt?

There were no camels in Ancient Egypt.

What was the paper used in ancient Egypt?

the paper used in ancient Egypt is called papyrus

What was the sword in ancient Egypt used for?

The sword in ancient Egypt was used to kill people in battles.

Why was the shadoof important?

it helped ancient Egyptians get water easier, and faster.

What did the the Egyptians develop for their society?

The Ancient Egyptians developed technology such as the shadoof.

What were reeds used for in ancient Egypt?

Reeds in Ancient Egypt were used for making papyrus paper.

What is a shadoof?

A shadoof is a device used to gather water with a pivoted stick and a bucket attached to the end of it.

A shadoof is a device used in what?

Irrigation A+