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Q: What is a word for ideas that people hold dear?
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Related questions

Is dear a proper noun?

It can be, as in a dear person, or dear memories. The word dear can also be used as a noun (a kind or helpful person). It is also rarely used as an adverb (e.g. the principles we hold dear).

What word means expensive?

Some people use the word dear.

What word means very expensive?

Some people use the word dear.

Expensive means what?

Some people use the word dear.

In the sentence Im home dear is the word dear capitalized?

No, the word "dear" is not capitalized in the sentence "I'm home dear."

What is the ancient greek word for dear?


What is a different word for love?

affection Answer Cherish, adore, think the world of, be crazy about, care for, delight in, fall for, hold dear, wild for, worship.

What are some anagrams for the word dear?

Read is an anagram for dear. Also, dare is an anagram for dear.

How do say dear in Latin?

The word dear in latin is "Carissimi"

What is the old English word for dear?

Dear in english is querida.

How many syllables in the word dear?

"Dear" has one syllable.

What is the French word for dear?

Nouns: mon chéri / ma chérie = my dear mon Cher / ma chère = my dear (more formal) Adjectives: (ie. a dear friend) Cher / chère Verbs: chérir qn/qch = to hold sb/sth dear In a letter: Cher / Chère / Chères / Chers = Dear... Also: Oh, mon Dieu! = Oh dear! Aïe! / Oh là là! = Oh dear! (less serious) mon Cher Dear as in costly is couteux / couteuse. Dear as in darling is Cher / chere.