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Its a city state

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Q: What is an independent state made up of a city and the surrounding land and villages called?
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Political units made up of a city and surrounding villages are called what?

A political unit made up of a city and surrounding villages is called a metropolitan area or urban agglomeration.

What is an independent state made up of a city and the surroundings land and villages called?

Its a city state

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What is a self governing city and is surrounding villages?


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What is the difference between cities and states?

A city is a densely populated human habitation. A state is a land which is a political entity which is self-governing. A city-state is a city which is also an independent self-governing state.

A self governing unit made up of a city and its surrounding villages and farmland?

That is a city state.

What is a self-governing unit made up of a city and its surrounding villages and farmland?

A city-state.

An independent town or city in the surrounding countryside is called what?

An independent town or city in the surrounding countryside is called a "rural municipality" or "countryside municipality." These entities govern smaller regions outside of major urban centers and typically have their own local government and administration structure.

What did the greek city states share?

Each city-state included a city, villages, and fields surrounding it.

What was a city state?

A city-state is an independent or autonomous entity not administered as a part of another local government whose territory consists of a city and possibly its surrounding territory.

Is a city-state a city the size of a state?

A city-state is a sovereign state consisting of an independent city and its surrounding territory.