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Fuedalism, or the Fuedal System, was instituted throughout Medieval Europe. In the Fuedal System, serfs, or peasants, work on land belonging to a lord, in exchange for protection. This land was owned by a lord, who lived in a manor house, and had a small private army of knights, who defended the manor in return for a small amount of pay and a place to live. Fuedalism was abolished at the turn of the 17th century and was replaced by absolutism, or a system where nations are ruled under one monarch, or ruler.

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The King was a lord, who is the top level.

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the best armor in Feudalism2 is the Infernal armor (in Grobben).

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by domesticating crops and eating animals heads off

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The European feudalism worked by bringing social stability in medieval Europe.

What was the system of government during the Zhou dynasty?

Your answer is in the question. "Dynasty" denotes a monarchy and feudalist government .

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