Pericles' full name was Pericles, son of Xanthippus. He was an ancient Greek statesman and a general in Athens. He was born around 495 BC and died in 429 BC.
If your question is about the Athenian general of 5th century B.C., Pericles (and ancient Greeks in general) used their father's name as their last name. Since Pericles's father was called Xanthippus and his grandfather from his mother's side was called Alcmeonidas, his full name would be: Pericles Xanthippus of the Alcmeonidae family. As general information, Greek names have meanings: Pericles= Surrounded by glory Xanthippus=Blond Horse Alexander=Protector/Defender of Men and so on.... Hope this helps.
The Classical Age
Yes, Pericles had a son - also pericles - with the metic Asphasia.
Pericles was not a democracy. Pericles was a statesman in Athens and was considered today as a general. Pericles did not make Democracy. The people of Greece did.
The Greek statesman Pericles then expanded the democracy. He was an Athenian statesman who had an impact on politics that remains today.
Pericles IS his first name
The common name for Papilio Pericles is Pericles swallowtail.
If your question is about the Athenian general of 5th century B.C., Pericles (and ancient Greeks in general) used their father's name as their last name. Since Pericles's father was called Xanthippus and his grandfather from his mother's side was called Alcmeonidas, his full name would be: Pericles Xanthippus of the Alcmeonidae family. As general information, Greek names have meanings: Pericles= Surrounded by glory Xanthippus=Blond Horse Alexander=Protector/Defender of Men and so on.... Hope this helps.
Pericles is a man's name. He is a character in Greek Myth and in the Shakespearean play Pericles.
Pericles mother's name was Agariste. She was of noble birth from the family of the Alcmaeonidae.
His name was Pericles
Funeral Oration.
The Classical Age
The hero of Coriolanus is Coriolanus. The hero of Pericles is Pericles. The hero of Henry V is Henry V.
Pericles died from the plague.
Periklis Korovesis's birth name is Pericles Elias Korovessis.
Pericles is remembered today because his name has become synonymous with thePeloponnesian war, fifth century Greece, Classical Athens and Anthenian democracy