The Latin word for victory is "victoria". The word "triumphus" is sometimes used, but it generally refers to the triumphal procession, rather than to the victory itself.
latin it is venator vanator in romanian
Yes, the word Roman is a noun, a person of Rome. Roman is a proper noun and also a proper adjective that describes a noun as of or from Rome, for example Roman architecture.
The word "orchestra" comes from the Greek word ὀρχοῦμαι, meaning "to dance". It was then adopted into Latin. Therefore its origin is not Roman.
isn't the word Etruscan a Roman synonym
The success of Trajan were his many reforms for the roman empire.
Seikou is the Japanese word for success.
By killing the queen bodica
Success = Erfolg
Success = Erfolg
No. The word success is not a pronoun.
The word success has the synonyms "winning" and "prevailing."
The root word, the basic linguistic component of successful is success.
success - der Erfolg
The Roman government is considered neither a success nor a failure.
The Roman government is considered neither a success nor a failure.
The Roman government is considered neither a success nor a failure.